Monday, May 30, 2011

Krooki to Google Maps - UTM to Degrees

Following to a previous tool I have developed to convert data projection from Clark 1880 to WGS84 and as a request from many viewers to develope similar tool in Google Maps. I am Happy to announce the birth of Krooki to Google Maps application. This application allows input using x, y coordinates or what called UTM coordinates (Northing, Easting) directly from the krooki and then it converts the coordinates to degrees which are acceptable by Google Maps and it will locate the plots coordinates on Google Satellite maps. This conversion is accurate in Oman only as its uses Zone 40 parameters
Krooki to Google Maps V1.1

الكاتبGIS Developerفي الساعة٨:٤٥:٠٠ ص 

3تعليقات: غير معرفيقول...

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٢٢ يناير، ٢٠١٠ ٨:٥٨ مDragonflyيقول...

Hi GIS Developer, Your blog is very rare and interesting. Specialy to me I am working in the Electricity sector and part of our CRM project envolves intergration to GIS a GIS system.

Keep up the good work and looking forward to learn more.

١ مارس، ٢٠١١ ٩:١١ صFarhat Al Harthyيقول...

Hello again its "Dragonfly"
I have a Question when you say
"directly from the krooki "
could you explain this?

our system would requier a user to key in the coordinates so i would really be intersted to know how your system works.


١ مارس، ٢٠١١ ٩:٥٣ صإرسال تعليق

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حالة الطقسخارطة الزواروصلاتFlash EarthOman GISOmania 2

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